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Experience money conversations that deepen discipleship and grow generosity

Dear church leaders,

Talking about money is hard! We get it, and we are here to help. 

There are a lot of expectations placed on you to lead your church well in sharing the gospel, addressing mental health, relationships, careers, raising children, overcoming addictions, and list goes on... 

On top of that, you’re faced with the challenge of raising money to grow/ maintain your ministry.

We're here to help you utilize money conversations for deeper discipleship. 

  • Remove the fear or taboo of having money conversations
  • Engage your congregation on a deeper, heart level
  • Develop mature followers of Christ
  • Create a holistic ministry embracing financial discipleship
  • Ignite generosity 
Connect with CFD

Skip the endless time/resources creating content

We have the tools your financial discipleship ministry needs

Our material is designed to spark heart-level money conversations that develop disciples and grow generosity.

Sermons and Workshops

Presented by a team member of CFD, our sermons and workshops are designed to draw people closer to Christ through money conversations and act as a catalyst for generosity. 

Group Coaching Programs & Studies

Many churches feel pressure to create and produce their own financial ministry tools/content which can take up a lot of time without guaranteed results. We have done the hard work for you, so you can use our content for less time/money with proven results. 

1:1 Tailored Coaching and Support

We source churches with expert financial coaches, so you don't have to find and train volunteers. Already have volunteer coaches? We also provide coach training so you can get better results in your financial ministry.

Take the first step

Let's break the silence


It's been said that Jesus talked about money 25% of the time. We don't think it's because he cares about our money. We think it's because he cares about us. 

When we engage in meaningful money conversations, we automatically begin talking about our relationships, wounds, fears, insecurities, desires, passions, addictions, and the things that ultimately consume of hearts. However, most churches miss the opportunity for discipleship because they are not utilizing financial discipleship to the fullest.

We can't afford to be silent any longer.

  • Dollar for dollar, Christians give less today than during the Great Depression.
  • Out of every $100,000 earned by a Christian household, $90 goes to missions and $1.70 goes to ministering to unreached people groups.
  • For churches, it will take 10 Gen Z givers to replace one Baby Boomer.


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