Join our monthly cohort:

Developing the Advisor's Heart

A Kingdom-Building Peer Group of Financial Advisors


Following God’s advice about money is very countercultural, so how do we bring this advice to our clients?

We help advisors answer the question – Am I helping my clients get closer to or further from God?

Jesus said we cannot serve both God and money. It's important to realize that as advisors, we interact daily with God's chief rival and the top competitor for our hearts.

There is a growing number of advisors who want to break through the mold and begin walking their clients through deep, Christ-centered money conversations. The problem is, we can't take our clients any deeper than where we've gone before. 

Before we can help someone else become generous, we may need to take a look in the mirror and address our own emotional attachments to money, our own desires for safety and security, and ultimately lay down the money idols that exist in our own lives.

Our cohort exists to equip, encourage, and challenge Christian financial advisors to live out biblical wisdom in their daily practice. We study scripture together, sharpen one another, and draw hearts closer to Jesus while building God’s kingdom.

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What you'll experience during a meeting:

Watch a short video

We kick-off each meeting with a short video designed to challenge our perspective on wealth management and lead to deep discussion.

Group discussion

We create a safe environment for people to ask hard questions and engage in deliberate, iron-sharping-iron discipleship. 

Gain community and fellowship

We make sure each person attending our meeting feels seen and heard. Our focus is building genuine relationships that lend themselves to stronger community and accountability.

Additional information:

Developing the Advisor's Heart is a monthly virtual meeting that takes 

place on the third Wednesday of every month and lasts for 75 minutes.

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Meet your guide: Courtney Markley

Financial Counselor, Founder & Chief Motivator 

Not that long ago I was sitting in a room of faith-based advisors when, 

one advisor readily admitted he struggled to engage his clients in giving conversations, because it negatively impacted his paycheck. Several people in the room nodded in agreement, and the conversation moved on. 

I don't want the conversation to move on. Too many people have wondered away from the faith because the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth has blinded them. 

Advisors are uniquely positioned to point people closer to the heart of Jesus, through money conversations! But those conversations won't happen until we address the money idols in the room.

If you want to grow your faith and engage your clients on a deeper level, 

you have come to the right place.

Give our monthly meeting a try!